excess fluoride is bad for the fetus during pregnancy know what study said

excess fluoride is bad for the fetus during pregnancy know what study said

Pregnancy Health Report: During pregnancy, the mother is advised to be cautious not only about her own health but also about the health of the baby growing in her womb. In this condition, the mother is advised to have such a diet which will help in maintaining her health and also help in the full development of her baby. A recent research says that consuming fluoride during pregnancy has a very bad effect on the health of the foetus growing in the mother’s womb. Let us know what this research says.

This has been said in a study done in America

A study by the Keck School of Medicine of USC in America says that excessive fluoride intake during pregnancy can lead to the risk of neuro-behavioral issues for up to three years after the birth of the child. This means that it can affect the child’s brain after delivery.

Research says that excessive intake of fluoride by the mother during pregnancy can also weaken the child’s IQ level. Let us tell you that 75 percent of the people in America drink fluoride-rich water and its effect remains on the fetus growing in the womb and even after the child is born. In many provinces in India too, people have been drinking fluoride-rich tap water.

The IQ level of children is weak

This study, published in JAMA Network Open, says that the fetus growing in the womb is more sensitive to all kinds of harmful elements present in the environment along with the diet and water taken by the mother. In such a situation, if more fluoride enters the mother’s body through toothpaste and water, then it affects the fetus.

To support this research, a proper study was conducted and it was found that the IQ score of children up to the age of three years of those women who consumed more fluoride during pregnancy was lower than those children whose mothers consumed less fluoride during pregnancy.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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